Other Mic Placement Techniques
Depending on the actor, the aesthetic, their wardrobe and personal preference, the mic element may need to placed elsewhere. One such example is a bald actor who wears glasses throughout the show. A small mic such as a Sennhesier MKE1 is ideal for unobtrusive rigging on a pair of glasses.
To build the glasses rig, the only supply you’ll need is scotch tape, but a Hellerman tool
and sleeves will help to make the rig more permanent.
The placement of the mic capsule will depend on the individual, but there are some interesting physics effects that can happen with a pair of glasses. The lens of the glasses can act as a boundary surface, similar to a PZM microphone, that will enhance the high frequency content reaching the capsule. How much the mic capsule sticks out from the edge of the glasses frame will all depend on personal preference. We will demonstrate one way of creating the glasses rig.
This example simply uses tape along the inside edge of the glasses frame.
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