Welcome To Masque Sound

In an effort to make things run smoothly for you during your production period at Masque Sound, we would like to provide you with the following information.

Show Captain

The Show Captain is your advocate. See your show captain with any equipment not meeting the standards you expect. All your concerns should go directly to the captain. They are responsible for directing equipment in and out of your show zone. The captain can direct you to the correct person for any and all of your questions in regard to the equipment.

Project Managers – Leslie Stong, Jason McKenna, Andrew Rovner

The Project Manager is your point of contact for changes being made to your list. They are responsible for coordinating the purchases necessary to satisfy your specification. They are also responsible for processing the daily adds/deletes for your show.  Project management will also alert you when the show has reached its limit with respect to additions and will gladly provide pricing for adds that you identify as necessary after this limit has been reached.

Director of Operations – George Hahn

He is your point of contact for any custom fabrication, rigging and power questions. He is also responsible for maintaining the shop calendar so any changes to your build time should be communicated to him.

Shop Foreman – Jose Quispe

All the captains and Fabrication report directly to the foreman. He should be contacted with any concerns regarding shop build space, rack builds, and show captains.

Technical Manager – Doug Cross

He is responsible for all QC and Support Personnel, for scheduling any and all technical services that your production requires. This includes microphones, consoles, playback systems, show computers and wireless intercom. In short, he is your contact for scheduling onsite and in-house technical support. He should be contacted for any concerns regarding, general operation of the QC Departments.

Research and Development – Gary Stocker

He is responsible for the designing and signing off on any custom fabrication that the show requires. Also serves as a system engineer troubleshooter both in shop and in the field.

Director of Sales – Scott Kalata

He receives the original specification, oversee the development of the show list in R2 and negotiate the rental/sale rates with general management. Any major additions to the show while in production need to be approved and or priced by them.

Shop Build

Shop Hours:

8:15 AM*4:40 PM**Shop floor Hours; Mon-Fri
10:30 AM10:45 AMFirst Break
12:15 PM12:45 PMLunch
3:00 PM3:15 PMSecond Break
*The building will be opened at 745 AM. Entry before 745 AM is not guaranteed.
**The building will be closed at 445 PM. Access after 445 PM is not guaranteed.

Overtime for Builds:

All labor outside these hours is billable at the rates below. This includes mornings, evenings and weekends. Overtime availability is not guaranteed and should be requested in advance.

All Labor booked in one-hour blocks

Staff Levels:

After hours working in show zone (Foreman and one shop employee) $375 per hour

For console programming or desk paperwork only, we will when possible as a courtesy allow a maximum of two clients to remain in the zone at a billable rate of $123/hr. Shop labor will not be provided, and gear beyond console programming may not be handled.

Truck being loaded or unloading requires (Foreman plus 4 shop employees) $800 per hour

Saturday and Holidays (Foreman plus one shop employee) 4 hr minimum $1500

  • Additional employees $140 per hour
  • Truck Loading/Unloading (Foreman plus 4 shop Employees) 4hr Minimum $3200

Sundays (Foreman plus one shop employee) 4 hr minimum $2020

  • Additional Employees $190 per hour
  • Truck Loading/Unloading (Foreman plus 4 shop Employees) 4hr Minimum $4275 per hour

Kits Charges:

  • Masque does not permit changes to our pre-assembled kits, under any circumstances. Changes to kits will result in an immediate $1000 minimum (but not limited to) fee.
    • Masque will ensure that all kit documentation/lists include a “Do not alter/change/break kit. Any changes or breaks will result in an immediate $1000 minimum (but not limited to) fee, non negotiable” verbiage.
    • Masque will ensure that all physical kits include a “Do not alter/change/break kit. Any changes or breaks will result in an immediate $1000 minimum (but not limited to) fee, non negotiable” label affixed to kit packaging.
    • It is the responsibility of the client (design, production, crew) to advise Masque when a kit in its entirety does not work within the specification so that alternate arrangements can be made.

Bundle Charges

  • Bundles built after in shop production ends will have a charge of $120.00 each. 2025 Pricing: $125/each.

Show Zone Amenities

Your show zone is outfitted with tables, chairs, a printer and internet access.  If you find yourself without the appropriate amenities, please let your show captain know. To the side of the cage are self-help build supplies for your show.

Internet Access:

If you have a hardwired connection just plug into the Ethernet jacks labeled Client. If you have a wireless connection you should see a connection called “Masque Client”.

Public Transportation

New Jersey Transit  www.njtransit.com   take the 190 bus at the Port Authority or the train at Pennsylvania Station on the Main Bergen-Port Jervis Line to Rutherford

On Site

Motorola Walkies (and any other gear) kept beyond the agreed upon rental period/show load out will incur billing costs. Logistics provided by Masque to facilitate the return of extended rental gear will incur a cost. We do understand load out requires walkie support, and are happy to provide rental gear at reasonable costs, with advance notice.

Once your show loads out, the following contacts will assist you in receiving the best support.

Masque Sound contacts

Project Management

Leslie Stong201-728-9440lesliestong@masquesound.com
Jason McKenna201-728-9435jasonmckenna@masquesound.com
Andrew Rovner201-728-9436andrewrovner@masquesound.com

Technical Services

Doug Cross201-728-9427dougcross@masquesound.com
Gary Stocker201-728-9422garystocker@masquesound.com
Luke Flamos201-728-9449lukeflamos@masquesound.com

Masque Sound’s RMA system can be accessed here or under the “Support” dropdown menu. Please contact Luke Flamos for an account and password.

Shop Foreman

Jose Quispe201-728-9444josequispe@masquesound.com

Director Of Operations

George Hahn201-728-9417georgehahn@masquesound.com

24/7  Emergency Service


Logistics Schedule and Pricing

We strive to support your production to the best of our ability, but please know that the nature of late notice requests requires additional labor and resources, and charges may apply as follows.

Zone Parameters

Zone CodeParameters
Zone One96th Street to Canal Street (Inclusive)
Zone TwoManhattan outside zone one
Zone ThreeOuter Boroughs NYC
The Great BeyondOutside of zones one through three
Zone One Pricing
Van delivery or pickup$300$305
Van delivery and pickup$450$460
Box Truck delivery or pickup$475$485
Box Truck delivery and pickup$675$690
Overtime$125/Hr $135/Hr
Sunday$160/Hr $175/Hr
Waiting time$95/$125/$155Hr$105/$160/$210Hr
Zone Two Pricing
Van delivery or pickup$350$360
Van delivery and pickup$525$535
Box Truck delivery or pickup$550$560
Box Truck delivery and pickup$900$920
Overtime$125/Hr $135/Hr
Sunday$160/Hr $175/Hr
Waiting time$95/$125/$155Hr $105/$160/$210Hr
Zone Three Pricing
Van delivery or pickup$500$510
Van delivery and pickup$625$640
Box Truck delivery or pickup$700$715
Box Truck delivery and pickup$975$995
Overtime$125/Hr $135
Sunday$160/Hr $175
Waiting time$95/$125/$155Hr$105/$160/$210Hr

Weight Limits: NYC has announced a plan to weigh and fine and turn away overweight vehicles. This may result in the inability to double stack trucks. Please be prepared to pay for an additional truck if necessary.

Clients are free to arrange their own shipping.

Eveready Express:  cs@evereadyexpress.com   or (973) 928-8998

Saddle River Trucking: 973 356 7001

Props & Whatnots: propsandwhatnots@gmail.com or (718) 607-0986

A $100 Rush Fee may be applied to orders placed after 3pm for a pick up or delivery the following day, before noon OR to orders placed after 11am for pick up or delivery same day.

Although we strive to provide reliable shipping, our partnership with shipping providers – most notably FedEx and UPS, leave us subject to their ability to deliver in a consistent manner. Deliveries via carriers other than Masque may periodically be delayed for reasons that are beyond our control and unfortunately, without timely notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Masque Sound Holiday Closure Schedule


  • New Year’s Day (1/1)
  • Memorial Day (5/26)
  • Independence Day (7/4)
  • Labor Day (9/1)
  • Thanksgiving (11/27 – 11/28)
  • Christmas (12/24 – 12/25)
  • New Year’s Eve (12/31)